United Horned Hair Sheep Association, Inc. |
THIS website is copyright May 2009 by United Horned Hair Sheep Association, Inc. Active Members of UHHSA are permitted to use information on their website to help in ethical and honest promotion and education about the breeds represented. However, a link to this website should be provided. Pictures are copyrighted by owners of the sheep pictured and permission will need to be sought from the owners to use the pictures. |
Classified Ads are accepted from Members Only and must be related to Sheep or Sheep Products or other Agriculture oriented subjects. UHHSA, Inc., reserves the right to limit or reject any classified ad or photo submitted. Members may have any number of ads running at the same time. The period of time for ad placement on this page is 3 months. Cost is $15.00. Number of Pictures may be limited due to space as well as size of ad. Information is provided by the Member placing the ad and UHHSA, Inc., does not express any warranties or guarantees in regards to the content of the ad nor the product advertised. |